We are proud to announce that as of April 8th, 2021, Takasa Lifestyle Company Inc is a BC Benefit Company.
What is a BC Benefit Company?
A BC Benefit Company is a for-profit company that commits to conducting its business in a responsible and sustainable way.
By becoming a BC Benefit Company, we are legally and publicly committing to being accountable for our core mission of being a socially and environmentally responsible company.
Our Commitments:
Takasa is committing to the following public benefits:
Social Benefit:
🌎 We will provide economic benefit to farmers and workers, by ensuring products manufactured in developing countries are ‘Fairtrade Cotton’ certified by
Fairtrade Canada
Environmental Benefits:
🌲 Planting a tree in British Columbia for every order by working with One Tree Planted
💧 We commit to measuring our environmental impact from seed to final delivery by using Green Story product lifecycle assessments.
As a BC Benefit Company, we are committing to balance our duty to act in the best interests of our company, with our duty to conduct business in a responsible and sustainable manner and promote Takasa's specified public benefits.

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