4 easy eco-friendly tweaks

4 Simple Ways to Live More Sustainably

Apr 24, 2020takasa-cad Admin

Step by Step


It can feel overwhelming to make shifts so dramatically when it comes to everyday living. The good news is that you do not have to shift or change everything all at once. Making small shifts and tweaks in your day-to-day life, that work towards improving your well-being alongside taking into consideration the environment and the people who make your products, is a win-win for all. Here are four small easy tweaks for you to try:


Coffee - Purchase Fairtrade Certified coffee. Fairtrade coffee means more than just fair paying jobs for farmers. Fairtrade organizations across the world actively improve the communities which they support. The quality of lives of rural communities is vastly improved when Fairtrade investment is injected into community development projects. Such projects include improving health facilities, offering better access to education for both children and adults, as well as giving the farmers access to agricultural equipment and/or techniques to improve upon crops and yields. The Takasa team is usually drinking Ethical Bean, a local Vancouver Fairtrade Coffee roaster. 


Cleaning products - Look for eco-friendly, natural cleaners like 7th Generation, MethodNellie's, Dr. Bronner's, or products free of harmful toxins, phosphates and synthetic fragrances. 


Eat an all vegetarian meal - Finding it hard to give up meat completely? Try small tweaks like adding an all vegetarian dish to the weekly rotation. If everyone were to reduce their meat intake by one additional day a week, we would be reducing the global meat intake by 14%! This has a snowball effect upon farming, logistics and thus, our overall environmental footprint. 


Homewares - Look for sustainable and organic options when buying home textile products. Takasa GOTS organic and Fairtrade Cotton certified bed sheets and towels are great options to help not only the environment, but the workers and creators who make the products. 


The feel-good factor plays a huge part in living more consciously. That is, being aware of how your purchases make a difference to you, to your surroundings, and to people unknown to you. At Takasa, be rest assured that our organic and Fairtrade Cotton certified products support the farmers who grow the cotton, by strengthening the sustainability and profitability of their farming systems. Drastic change doesn't happen overnight, but even incremental changes can make a significant difference.

Shop Takasa Organic and Fairtrade Bedding Collection

Shop Takasa Organic and Fairtrade Bath Collection

mindful. sustainable. comfort.

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