What is GOTS and What does it mean?

What is GOTS and What does it mean?

Jul 29, 2023Takasa Team

Why GOTS certification?

Let's lift the curtain on why Takasa choses to be one of a handful of companies in Canada to commit to the rigorous process of GOTS certification.  Having just completed and passed our annual audit for GOTS certification, we reflect on some of the reasons we chose to be certified by the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS), the world’s leading processing standard for textiles made from organic fibres.

1. Global recognition: The Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS) is the leading certification for organic textile products. The certification is recognized by retailers and brands around the world, making it easier for consumers to identify and purchase products that meet their standards.

2. High quality standards: GOTS certification requires that our products meet strict standards for quality and safety. We want you to know that they can trust us to provide you with products that are made from the best possible materials. GOTS certification gives us an independent third-party stamp of approval that our products meet these high standards.

3. Transparency: We believe that you have a right to know where our products come from and how they are made. GOTS certification requires a Transaction Certificate with each batch we manufacture - the Transaction Certificate provides details from the cotton seed to final delivery of the bed and bath linens we manufacture. Only companies with GOTS certification receive the Transaction Certificate and are able to trace their fabric right to the seed.

4. Traceability: In the event of a recall or other safety issue, GOTS certification requires us to be able to trace our products back to their source. This traceability helps to ensure that any problem can be quickly and efficiently resolved.

5. Support for small scale farmers: Many of the farmers who supply us with organic cotton and wool are small-scale farmers who may not have access to the same resources as larger farms. GOTS certification provides these farmers with much-needed support and recognition.

Here at Takasa, we offer premium organic cotton bedding and bath products so that everyone can enjoy the benefits of this sustainable fabric.  Have questions or want to know more? What to learn more about our certification and sustainability efforts ➡️ www.takasa.co/pages/behind-the-label

Our GOTS certification number is CU-1011256 and ONE-3107 (prior to 2022)

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