Cool and Crisp Percale or soft and Luxurious Sateen - Which cotton weave is better for you?

Percale vs Sateen: Unraveling the Weave to Your Best Sleep

Feb 23, 2024Takasa Team

Do you like to sleep all in luxurious softness or do you like to stay cool as a cucumber? 

Get personalized sleep with Takasa GOTS organic and Fairtrade certified cotton.

So, how do you choose between percale and sateen? Let's give you a quick explanation of the differences between our two fabric choices and then you can decide which one is better for your sleep comfort.

The technical difference between Takasa Soft + Luxurious Sateen and Takasa Cool + Crisp Percale is the way they are woven. The functional difference is in the feel and warmth of the material.

Takasa Organic and Fairtrade Certified Cotton Bed Sheets

Percale has a weave of a traditional one-yarn-over and one-yarn-under grid, giving it a matte finish and a lightweight, breathable texture. High in durability, it gets more comfortable with every wash. The feel of percale is crisp and cool, making it ideal for warmer sleepers.

Percale bedding

Sateen sheets are woven using a one-yarn-under and three-yarn-over weave. This method exposes more thread surface and gives it a silky feel and sheen. The tighter weave on sateen gives it the feeling of satin (without the expense and fragile nature of satin). It’s also more heavyweight than percale, making it ideal for year-round comfort and warmth.

Sateen bedding comfort guide

The Takasa team likes to alternate depending on the season - Soft + Luxurious in the cooler winter months, and Cool + Crisp in the warmer summer months. 

Like to keep your body warm and your head cool? Mix and match sateen vs percale fabrics or add an extra set of pillow cases to your order. 

What's your sleep preference? Or looking for other options - read our blog comparing flannel vs percale vs sateen

Shop Cool + Crisp Percale

Shop Soft + Luxurious Sateen

Shop Warm + Cozy Flannel


What Makes Percale Sheets Unique?

Imagine slipping into bed, surrounded by a cool, crisp embrace that gently lulls you to sleep. That's the unique experience offered by our Cool + Crisp Percale sheets. Crafted through a traditional one-yarn-over and one-yarn-under weave, these sheets boast a matte finish and a lightweight, breathable texture that feels like a gentle breeze against your skin. With each wash, they become softer, inviting you into a more comfortable night's sleep. Perfect for those who prefer to stay cool throughout the night, our percale sheets blend timeless comfort with the unmatched durability of organic and Fairtrade certified cotton.

How Do Sateen Sheets Enhance My Sleeping Experience?

Envelop yourself in the Soft + Luxurious embrace of our Sateen sheets, designed to offer you a slice of nightly indulgence. The secret lies in their unique weave— a one-yarn-under and three-yarn-over pattern that exposes more thread surface, giving these sheets a silky feel with a lustrous sheen reminiscent of satin, minus the fragility and expense. This tighter weave not only imparts a sense of warmth and comfort ideal for year-round use but also celebrates the beauty of our GOTS organic and Fairtrade certified cotton. If your dream sleep involves being cocooned in sumptuous softness, our sateen sheets are your perfect match.

Can I Mix and Match Percale and Sateen Bedding?

Absolutely! At Takasa, we believe that your bedding should be as unique as your sleep preferences. Love the idea of a cool, crisp pillowcase against your cheek while the rest of you is snuggled under soft, luxurious warmth? Why not mix and match our Cool + Crisp Percale with our Soft + Luxurious Sateen? This combination allows you to customize your sleep environment to your exact liking, ensuring both comfort and style. Plus, by choosing our bedding, you're supporting sustainable and ethical production practices, ensuring that your comfort doesn't come at the cost of the planet or its people. Explore our collections and start creating your personalized sleep sanctuary today.


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