King Size bedding - what's the difference?

How to Choose the Right King Size Bed

Feb 23, 2024Kuljit Rakhra

A quick Google search for "King size bed" brings up over 16 million results. If you are in the market for a new bed, that number might as well be a million times higher. With so many options on the table, it can be tough to know where to start—especially when it comes to something as seemingly simple as choosing the right size bed and bed sheets.

So, what is the difference between a King, California King, and Split King bed? In short, it all comes down to dimensions. A regular King size bed is 76 inches wide by 80 inches long, while a California King is 72 inches wide by 84 inches long. And a Split King? A Split King is two Twin XL mattresses placed side-by-side, each measuring 39 inches wide by 80 inches long. Confused yet? Do not fear, we are here to help.

King sized beds - which one is right for you?

King Size Bed Dimensions

The standard King size bed dimensions are 76 inches wide by 80 inches long. That is about the same width as two Twin beds put together, making it a great option for couples who want plenty of space to sprawl out. Or parents who have little toddlers sneaking into their beds in the middle of the night. However, there may be a better choice for taller sleepers - see below.


California King Size Bed Dimensions

A California King size bed is slightly narrower than a standard King, measuring 72 inches wide by 84 inches long. That extra four inches of length makes it ideal for taller individuals or couples who want more space at the foot of the bed. However, since it is narrower than a standard King, some couples may find themselves feeling a little crowded in this type of bed.


Split King Size Bed Dimensions

A Split King size bed is two Twin XL mattresses placed side-by-side, each measuring 39 inches wide by 80 inches long. This type of bed is perfect for couples who want their own space but don't want to feel like they are sleeping in separate beds. Plus, since each mattress can be adjusted independently, Split Kings are also great for people with different sleep preferences (for example, one person who likes to sleep hot and another who likes to sleep cool). Just keep in mind that Split King sheet sets come with one flat/top sheet, but you will get separate fitted sheets—one for each mattress. (If you want your own flat/top sheet, you can always order two Twin XL sheet sets or just a separate flat/top sheet).


No matter which type of bed size you choose, know that we have ethically made sustainable bed sheets in every size for you to choose. We hope that this blog post has helped you make an informed decision about which one is right for your needs. If you still cannot seem to find the perfect set of sheets, please reach out to our team—we are always happy to help.

Order your Takasa King size bedding

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